Duties of Officers:- President
- Shall preside at all general and executive meetings.
- Shall appoint all committee chairpersons.
- Shall coordinate the activities of officers and committees in order that the objectives may be promoted.
- 1st Vice President
- Shall perform the duties of the President in the absence of the President.
- Shall be responsible for the year’s general membership PTO programs.
- Shall be responsible for attending monthly Board of Education meetings (if not able to attend should some eligible representative in place of).
- Shall be responsible for the Annual Membership Drive.
- 2nd Vice President
- Shall be responsible for drawing up and executing a budget for the fiscal year in cooperation with the President and the Treasurer. The budget must be approved by a majority vote at the general membership meeting.
- Recording Secretary
- Shall keep the minutes of all General, Special and Executive Board Meetings in a bound book provided by this organization.
- Shall retain a copy of the approved by-laws.
- Shall have a membership list available at every meeting.
- Corresponding Secretary
- Shall conduct all correspondence.
- Shall inform Executive Board members of meeting dates.
- Shall inform general membership of any meeting.
- Shall keep a copy of all correspondence on file.
- Shall take the minutes of any meeting in the absence of the Recording Secretary.
- Shall take attendance at Executive Board Meetings.
- Shall keep a copy of Committee and members.
- Treasurer
- Shall prepare a budget in cooperation with the President prior to the first Executive Board meeting of the school year.
- Shall have the Accounts Auditing Committee audit the organization’s books no later than August 31.
- Shall prepare and report a statement of account at both general and executive meetings.
- Shall be responsible for collecting all moneys at the close of all fund raising activities with one executive board delegate.
- Shall present for a majority vote at a general membership meeting any expenditures not a specific budget line item, or an expenditure exceeding a budgeted line item.
- Any elected officer not complying with the designated duties, policies, or objectives herein prescribed in these by-laws may be asked to resign by a majority vote of the Executive Board. If said elected officer refuses to voluntarily resign, they may be brought before the general membership for an impeachment vote.