Monday, April 18, 2011

PTO Board Nominations

The Lindeneau School PTO is seeking nominations for six (6) PTO Officer positions for the 2011-12 school year. The responsibilities of the officers are detailed in the by-laws of this organization below and are available online at If you have the time and interest to serve as an Officer, please complete this form and place it in an envelope marked Lindeneau School PTO and return to school by Wednesday, April 27, 2011. No nominations will be accepted after this date. The election will be held at our next PTO meeting on Thursday, May 12, 2011. Installation of elected officers will occur at our June meeting (Wed., 6/1/11).

Duties of Officers:
  1. President
  1. Shall preside at all general and executive meetings.
  2. Shall appoint all committee chairpersons.
  3. Shall coordinate the activities of officers and committees in order that the objectives may be promoted.
  1. 1st Vice President
  1. Shall perform the duties of the President in the absence of the President.
  2. Shall be responsible for the year’s general membership PTO programs.
  3. Shall be responsible for attending monthly Board of Education meetings (if not able to attend should some eligible representative in place of).
  4. Shall be responsible for the Annual Membership Drive.
  1. 2nd Vice President
  1. Shall be responsible for drawing up and executing a budget for the fiscal year in cooperation with the President and the Treasurer.  The budget must be approved by a majority vote at the general membership meeting.
  1. Recording Secretary
  1. Shall keep the minutes of all General, Special and Executive Board Meetings in a bound book provided by this organization.
  2. Shall retain a copy of the approved by-laws.
  3. Shall have a membership list available at every meeting.
  1. Corresponding Secretary
  1. Shall conduct all correspondence.
  2. Shall inform Executive Board members of meeting dates.
  3. Shall inform general membership of any meeting.
  4. Shall keep a copy of all correspondence on file.
  5. Shall take the minutes of any meeting in the absence of the Recording Secretary.
  6. Shall take attendance at Executive Board Meetings.
  7. Shall keep a copy of Committee and members.
  1. Treasurer
  1. Shall prepare a budget in cooperation with the President prior to the first Executive Board meeting of the school year.
  2. Shall have the Accounts Auditing Committee audit the organization’s books no later than August 31.
  3. Shall prepare and report a statement of account at both general and executive meetings.
  4. Shall be responsible for collecting all moneys at the close of all fund raising activities with one executive board delegate.
  5. Shall present for a majority vote at a general membership meeting any expenditures not a specific budget line item, or an expenditure exceeding a budgeted line item.
  1. Any elected officer not complying with the designated duties, policies, or objectives herein prescribed in these by-laws may be asked to resign by a majority vote of the Executive Board.  If said elected officer refuses to voluntarily resign, they may be brought before the general membership for an impeachment vote.