Monday, March 10, 2014

The Lemonade War Kickoff
The Lemonade War by Jacqueline Davies has been distributed to each family!!! Please visit the website, to view a trailer of the book and a video of a the skit performed during an assembly by some of the teachers! All the students are excited to start reading the book with their families at home!

Be sure to drop by your school's tab and scroll down below the calendars for your school's Edmodo code! Edmodo is a social networking site that is safe and secure for your child. Students will be able to connect with other children in their school who are also participating in the One School, One Book initiative and discuss The Lemonade War as they are reading the book. They can answer trivia questions, complete assignments, share thoughts, and pick favorite parts. Edmodo requires that parents are present when your child signs up and will even generate a parent code so you may have your own account to monitor what your child is posting. If your child already has an Edmodo account, they can use the grade level codes to add The Lemonade War Edmodo into their current account.

For a tutorial about Edmodo, please visit the youtube tutorial at .