I would like to express our condolences and our thoughts to everyone who has suffered any loss from Hurricane Sandy.
The PTO will be collecting donations during the Parent/Teacher conferences for CARE. Please see more details in the newsletter.
We ended October with our annual Boogie Bash. A very special thank you to Joanne Pena and Sally Yabra for making the boogie bash a huge success. Thank you to everyone who volunteered your time or volunteered snacks or supplies.
Thank you to all who have volunteered to help out at our PTO events without you these events would not be a success.
The entertainment book fundraiser has been extended to end of November. If you have not already done so please send in your order form.
In November during the Parent-Teacher conferences on 11/20, 11/27 and 11/29 we will be selling Smencils Grams for a $1 for you to send a short message to your child.
Also Wednesday November 28th is Chuck E Cheese night. It starts with a visit from Chucky as the kids leave school. Then from 3:30-9:00pm a fundraiser at Chuck E Cheese on RT 1North. The kids will get a sticker to receive an extra 10 freetokens. The PTO receives 15% of all food, merchandise and token deals purchased at the register. Please mention to the cashier that you’re participating in your school’s fund raiser.
A flyer of this event is attached to the newsletter.
Thank you again for your support. Remember, the PTO is a group of parents that care about our school. We know you do also so please join us on November 15 @7pm for the general PTO meeting .Kids are welcome.
If you have ordered spirit wear and have not received your order I have inquire to our vendor when the order placed in October will be delivery. I hope to have an answer soon. I apologize for the delay in filling your order.
If you can’t attend the meeting and would like to contact the PTO please call at 732-395-7501, email @ lindeneaupto@gmail.com or visit us @ http://lindeneaupto.blogspot.com/
Rich Jeffreys
View / Download the newsletter PDF in its entirety here.