It is hard to believe that it is December already and that a New Year is upon us.
I would like to thank all the families that participated in Chuck E Cheese Night. It was great to see all of you there.
December 15. 2012, we are hosting Breakfast with Santa. Come out on Saturday morning at 10:00 am to have a delicious breakfast, much of it provided by local restaurants. DJ Sue will be there and you can also have pictures taken with Santa. The PTO extends a THANK YOU to all the volunteers that plan on helping out that day. Hope to see you there.
There are still Entertainment Books available. They make great stocking stuffer. The cost is $30.00
December is also the month that we get into full swing Tricky Tray mode. This is our biggest opportunity to fund the year's PTO activities. It is a great chance to turn parents' effort into money: instead of sending home stuff to sell and getting 10% of the sale price, we solicit free donations of items from businesses and individuals, add in a lot of parent & teacher effort, and keep nearly 100% of the money from the event. We need your help. This is a giant project, and it is only possible through the coordinated effort of many people. We have all types of jobs available, large and small. Some are in-person: such as group wrapping sessions in the evening to bundle prizes. Even the tiniest time commitment on your part will help us make this event a success. If you require information concerning this even please email lindeneaupto@gmail.com
Please save the date for our Pasta Diner on January 25. 2013 at the Edison Elks. Details will be forthcoming.
Thank you again for your support. Remember, the PTO is a group of parents that care about our school. We know you do too so please join us on January 10 2013 @7pm for the General PTO meeting. Children are always welcome.
If you need to contact the PTO for questions, comments or have an idea you like to share, please call 732-395-7501, email lindeneaupto@gmail.com or visit us at http://lindeneaupto.blogspot.com/
The 201-2013 Lindeneau PTO Board would like to wish everyone Happy Holidays and Happy New Year.
Richard Jeffreys
View / Download the newsletter PDF in its entirety here.